16929 Frances Street, Suite 203 Omaha, NE 68130
www.nebrcul.org | 402.333.9331 | 800.950.4455

Credit unions will have the opportunity to encourage their members to register to vote with the latest Member Activation Program communication called “Credit Unions Vote” campaign. Credit unions that have signed up to be a MAP credit union will receive a pre-written communication to members urging them to register to vote and providing a turn-key website, creditunionsvote.com, offered by CUNA where members can easily check if they are registered to vote, and if not, to do so instantly. Credit unions can alter the language of the communication to best fit their credit union and membership. The site provides members with up-to-date voter information including the date of the elections, where their polling place is located and how they can request a mail-in ballot. It is a one-stop shop for credit union members who are registered or not registered to vote.  

Credit unions that are not currently signed up for the MAP program can easily do so by visiting cuna.org/map and completing the online registration form. The MAP program is free to credit unions and is a turn-key program that aims to educate credit union members through direct communications from the credit union. The most recent and extremely successful MAP communication was one educating members on the IRS Reporting Proposal being considered by Congress and urging members to contact their representatives on Capitol Hill. In Nebraska, over 5,000 direct contacts from credit union members to Nebraska’s Congressional Delegation were sent opposing the proposal.   

The Credit Unions Vote campaign does urge members to vote for a particular candidate but rather urges them to vote in the upcoming elections.