16929 Frances Street, Suite 203 Omaha, NE 68130
www.nebrcul.org | 402.333.9331 | 800.950.4455

The Nebraska Credit Union League recognized credit unions for their outstanding fundraising efforts on behalf of credit union political action committees (PACs) during its awards banquet at the League Annual Meeting and Convention. The League administers a federal PAC called NCULPAC and the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) administers a federal PAC called CULAC. The PACs raise personal financial contributions from credit union professionals and volunteers and the funds are used to influence Congressional races. CULAC is the third largest PAC in the country in making contributions to candidates.

Below are the award winners:

Capitol Circle Award is earned by credit unions that raised over $1,000 per year for the PAC.

Centris FCU

Columbus United FCU

Family Focus FCU

Liberty First CU

LincOne FCU

Nebraska Energy FCU

Omaha Police FCU


PAC Medals of Honor is earned by credit unions for amount raised per member.

GOLD –  Family Focus FCU

SILVER –   LincOne FCU

BRONZE –  Omaha Pollice FCU


PAC Preservation Award is earned by a credit union for outstanding fundraising through payroll deduction.

LincOne FCU


NCULPAC Top Contributor is earned by the credit union that raises the highest amount for the year.

LincOne FCU