The Nebraska Credit union League and credit union advocates continue to meet face-to-face with candidates running for the Nebraska Legislature and Congress leading up to the November 8th General Election. The visits are an opportunity to educate candidates on the credit union difference, state and federal issues important to credit unions, and how credit unions are serving their members. “Meeting with candidates running for office is not only necessary but we feel it’s an obligation to do so because credit unions are a key component to a functioning economy and they have a tremendous positive impact on the financial lives of the members they serve” said Brandon Luetkenhaus, Chief Advocacy Officer at the League.
The League has organized over twenty (20) visits with state and federal candidate and have more being scheduled in the coming weeks. There are twenty-four (24) state legislative races with thirteen (13) of them being open seats due to term limits or retirement. Nebraska’s three U.S. House of Representatives seats are up for election with competitive races in District 1 and District 2.