Amy Brodersen, President/CEO of Family Focus FCU, has joined the other select few Nebraskans as Credit Union Development Educators. She was one of 55 credit union leaders that met in October to complete the National Credit Union Foundation’s esteemed program.
“Participating in the National Credit Union Foundation’s DE program has been a transformative journey, reigniting my passion for the credit union movement. The program immersed me in the rich history of credit unions, shedding light on the social and economic challenges faced by many of our members. Every credit union professional should consider attending this invaluable program, as it not only contributes to personal growth but also brings immeasurable value back to our credit unions. I challenge all Nebraska credit union professionals to consider attending. Together, let’s empower our communities and strengthen the foundation of our cooperative spirit,” said Brodersen.
Read more about the October DE class and the CUDE program, click here: