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The Nebraska Credit Union League (League) was honored to have United States Senator Deb Fischer visit the League’s office for coffee and conversation on issues important to Nebraska’s credit unions. League representatives thanked Senator Fischer for her support and co-sponsorship of several bills supported by Nebraska’s credit unions including S. 608, the Credit Union Board Modernization Act; S. 7297, the Homebuyers Privacy Protection Act; and S. Res. 32, the Congressional Review Act of CFPB Business Data Rule.

Credit union advocates discussed the importance of the electronic payments system, how interchange revenues support that system, and how the Credit Card Competition Act would stifle innovation in the system and place credit unions and their members at risk. In addition to interchange, advocates discussed regulatory pressures that threaten the ability of credit unions to provide critical services to their members. Advocates discussed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, its use of the term “junk fees”, and its attack on overdraft protection and credit card late fees.

League representatives provided Senator Fischer with an update on three Nebraska schools that the League will sponsor this coming school year by providing them with “Foundations in Personal Finance” curriculum offered by Ramsey Solutions. The sponsored schools include Battle Creek High School, Springfield High School, and Randolph High School.




Pictured (left to right): U.S. Senator Deb Fischer
and Amy Brodersen, President/CEO of Family Focus FCU.