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Governor Jim Pillen appointed Brian Christensen, President/CEO of OneNebraska FCU in Columbus, to the Nebraska Investment Council (NIC). Christensen has 44 years of experience in financial services, including 25 years as OneNebraska FCU’s President/CEO.  “The Nebraska Credit Union League congratulates Brian on his appointment to the Nebraska Investment Council by Governor Pillen. His decades of experience in financial services, including his years leading OneNebraska FCU, will be a tremendous asset to the NIC and the State”, said Scott Sullivan, President/CEO.

The NIC is an independent state agency with a seven-member governing body including five private citizens that are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Nebraska Legislature. The NIC manages $40 billion across thirty-two investment programs including pension plans, retirement plans, public endowments, Operating Investment Pool, state trusts, college savings plans, and the Nebraska Enable Plan. The NIC’s mission, in part, is to “prudently manage the funds entrusted to us by the people of the State of Nebraska”.