16929 Frances Street, Suite 203 Omaha, NE 68130
www.nebrcul.org | 402.333.9331 | 800.950.4455

Pursuant to the Election Procedures established for the NCUL Board of Directors, a Call for Nominations has been issued.

Anyone interested in running for the Board should review the election materials carefully and submit their nomination by 5:00 p.m. Central Time on February 14th. Director election nomination material is posted on the League’s website, https://nebrcul.org/news-information/.

The League Board of Directors consists of nine members.  For this election cycle there are three seats up for election.  Each of the three seats will carry a three-year term. 

The 2025 seats up for election include:

  • Asset Category A: (Credit Unions $100+ million in assets)
  • Geographic District 1
  • Geographic District 2

To qualify to run for the position of Director, a nominee must be either the CEO or Senior Management employee (as defined by NCUA), or a voting member of the board of directors of a credit union in good standing with the League.  Additional qualification information is available in the nomination materials.

To participate in the election, candidates must complete the following:

  • Nomination & Consent Form
  • Candidate’s Profile Form
  • Nomination Seconding Form

 The Board of Directors Candidate Nomination & Consent Form, Board of Directors Candidate Profile Form, and the Board of Directors Nomination Seconding Form must be filled out and submitted by 5:00 p.m. Central Time on February 14, 2025, using one the following methods:

  • By mail of other delivery method to the following address:

Scott Sullivan
Board Secretary
Nebraska Credit Union League
P.O. Box 45526
Omaha, NE  68145


The League’s Nomination & Election Committee shall review and determine candidate eligibility according to the NCUL Bylaws and Nomination/Election procedures.  Candidates submitting inaccurate or incomplete information and not meeting the requirements of these rules and the NCUL Bylaws will be disqualified from running for a seat on the Board.

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Shaw, Chief Initiatives Officer, at 402-333-9405 or by email at ashaw@nebrcul.org.

All duly elected directors will commence service beginning June 5, 2025, at the conclusion of the League’s Annual Business Meeting.